The Randle team have been delivering engineering solutions to clients around the world for over 25 years. In the Staff Spotlight series, we’re speaking to some of the team to learn more about what it’s like to work at Randle and how they started their careers.
Meet Sarah, Operations Manager at Randle. Sarah has been with Randle for just under a year, but what a year! A small but mighty professional powerhouse she’s focused on creating the right environment for the right people to excel whilst championing operational excellence.
Tell us a bit about yourself
I am small (5ft) but mighty professional powerhouse. I am a loyal, industrious, self-motivated and passionate about what I do. My goal has always been to create the right environment for the right people to excel within business.
How long have you worked in the business?
Just under a year.
What’s your background/experience and how did you come to start working for Randle?
I am an experienced operational senior manager, specialising in HR, facilities, health & safety, finance and infrastructure. I have a solid 20-year career history working in PR, motorsport and charitable organisations.
Randle is going through a period of growth, the operations role was a new role, created in 2022 to support the wider ambitions of the business. I saw it. It was perfect for me. I applied. The rest is history.
Randle Engineering supplies innovation and excellence to produce the highest quality results for our customers. I am uniquely positioned to show accountability for all my areas having such a wealth of knowledge. I can ensure my inputs lead to effective and efficient outputs, ensuring each member of the Randle Engineering team can deliver their daily work and delight our customer base.
I am a facilitator, a lynch pin at work and at home. Whether this is financial planning, employer brand, team management or efficient and streamlined processes, I see how operations fits in with the overall machine of the business.
I have a solid career history, immersing myself and applying my skills to the best of my abilities for a commercial goal. I am an operational excellence champion, I have intent for success, carving a path, bringing others on board for the journey.
Tell us a bit about your current role at Randle
The operations manager role is the swan like professional, calm and serene on the exterior and paddling feverishly under the water, getting things done.
Spinning all the non engineering plates to ensure the team can do what they need to do.
It is incredibly varied, autonomous and exciting as we develop and grow with our vision for the future of the business.
What are your key responsibilities?
Responsible for all operational aspects of the business in a consistent, efficient, and effective manner. Financial planning and reporting. Resource and operational planning to ensure the demands of the customers and the business are met. Responsible for all property management, facilities management, health and safety, finance and human resources. Ensuring effective relationship management between team and upper management.
What skills does someone need to be great in this job?
You must be a multitasker and really care about you do. Lead by example and don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty. Be non-hierarchical, nothing is beneath you.
What does a typical day in your role look like?
Literally every day is different and busy, just the way I like it. I get up at 6.00am and don’t sit down typically till after 8.30pm. I am a full-time working Mum, so technically I have two jobs!
At work, my days are planned around my priorities and project lists. It’s great, such a full role. At home, we have a house full of kids and pets! Never a dull moment.
What’s the culture like at Randle?
The culture is inclusive, trusting and positive.
The team is extraordinarily talented, constantly exploring and challenging what is possible.
What three words would you use to describe Randle and your experience working here?
Unique, exemplary, quality.
What’s your favourite project you’ve worked on or your favourite part of the job?
My favourite project so far was an office move conducted in October 2022. The goals of the move were, office layouts and moves to support team structure, workflow, and growth. Manage legals. Change management and HR elements. Management of budgets and quotes. Project management, timings and logistics. IT requirements. Health and safety management. Business continuity and as little down time as possible.
The project gave me a greater understanding of business in my areas, a baptism of fire having only been in post 3.5-month pre move, as well as solidifying working relationships with suppliers, proprietor and colleagues.
Advice and recommendations for people who want to get into engineering
Be inquisitive, read, ask the questions, challenge and query. Don’t accept the status quo. Communicate with your peers, get their opinions, be open to ideas and knowledge. Always think of the ‘why’.
What’s one thing you wish you’d known when you started out in your career?
Do not fear failure, learning how to fail and learn from it is also how to succeed going forward.
Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what you want to do with your life.
The most interesting people I know didn’t know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives.
Some of the most interesting 40-year-olds I know still don’t.
Ok, I stole that from Baz Luhrmann’s Sunscreen, but it’s true and I said as much to my 16 year old recently. Things happen for a reason; they define your path and this includes your career. Just excel and try your absolute best at whatever you do, it will all come good.
What’s next for you? What are your career goals?
I would like to continue to help the business grow and realise its ambitions, if in turn I can improve, develop, learn, grow and self promote too that’s a bonus.
Go listen to Everybody’s Free to Wear Sunscreen, thank me later.